What's the "Insatiable Quest for Beauty" book?

Grab a cup of coffee, curl up in a comfy chair, and get ready to talk girl to girl, woman to woman, about an insatiable quest for beauty and the things that come with it:

  • body image issues, 
  • low self-esteem, 
  • unhealthy eating patterns, 
  • and looking to dating for our worth.

At 17 years of age, Tiffany was willing to pay any price to be "good enough." Her attempts only led to hating herself, drowning in disordered eating, and deciding she was not the kind of girl that guys fall in love with.

Join Tiffany for twelve "coffee dates" as she spills her heart onto these pages, sharing the steps that helped lead her to freedom.

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The Insatiable Quest for Beauty
  • The Insatiable Quest for Beauty

The Insatiable Quest for Beauty

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At 17 years of age, Tiffany was willing to pay any price to be "good enough." Her attempts only led to hating herself, drowning in disordered eating, and deciding she was not the kind of girl that guys fall in love with. Join Tiffany for twelve "coffee dates" as she spills her heart onto these pages, sharing the steps that helped lead her to

At 17 years of age, Tiffany was willing to pay any price to be "good enough." Her attempts only led to hating herself, drowning in disordered eating, and deciding she was not the kind of girl that guys fall in love with. Join Tiffany for twelve "coffee dates" as she spills her heart onto these pages, sharing the steps that helped lead her to freedom.

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Why do people love this book?


Goodness! Where do I even start? This book was one of those fantastic books that you want to hand to everyone and then sit back and watch them read it. (Okay, maybe not everyone as this book is seriously focused on girls for the audience.) This book is one of the best I've read this year, and I'm about to buy her other book so I can read it to. I highly recommend this book to girls of any age, and happily give it five stars.

To be honest, I was afraid that this would be a type teen girl inward beauty book. You know, the books published by moms basically saying: Don’t sleep around, God loves you, focus on inward beauty when you don’t feel beautiful. I can honestly say I have read so many non-fictions for teen girls about those topics, that I can usually list the bullet points for each chapter before starting them. {Don't get me wrong, that's all great and good, but it gets tiring after the fifth book.} Now, “The Insatiable Quest for Beauty” was completely different. And let me just say, when I read this [specific] part, I literally set the book down and just started clapping.

I liked: Everything! This is one of the best books on beauty I have read. I loved that at the beginning of each "coffee date" (chapter) she shared what kind of coffee she was having. I enjoyed her brutal honesty, as well as her chapter reviews. I loved this book because she is very well spoken, yet still approachable. She is sincere about her struggles, and she does not sugar coat what the quest for beauty is. Throughout the book, I found myself sympathizing and relating to her struggles, and this book pushes you to be a better person. Overall, I believe this is the best book on beauty that I have read thus far. If you know any girl ages 13+ who is struggling with her body image, I would recommend this book!

The top secret book webpage!

Maybe it's because I'm obsessed with spies, but I've created a top secret, hidden page on my website! It's chock full of resources to help you on your own journeyWhen you purchase The Insatiable Quest for Beauty book, you'll find the link to this hidden page!

This hidden page is a place you can go once you finish reading each "coffee date" (aka, chapter) in the book. There you'll find more resources and other fun stuff, like:
  • Video coffee dates: You'll get to hear stories from myself and several of my friends.
  • Deleted scenes: These are sections of the book that were deleted during the final edits...but you still get to read them!
  • Resources: Photos, websites, recommended reading, recommended music...
  • ...and more!
So, once you get the book...check it out! :) 

Download the Quest for Beauty theme song!

Small group book studies:

Want to take "The Insatiable Quest for Beauty" to a whole new level? Start a small group!!

My friend Moriah and I co-wrote a Leader's Guide and Workbook full of discussion questions, fun ice breakers, and closing activities to make the book study fun, easy to facilitate, and deeply meaningful.

Click on the images below for FREE downloads of the book study resources!! Check out the "Meet Moriah" video to meet my friend Moriah who co-wrote the workbook with me!